Achma Asrori, Education, Relevance, Order Sufism, Purpose EducationAbstract
Life in modern times is often lulled by a lifestyle
glamorous. As a result the heart is easily caught up in the mental illness and increasingly
empty of serenity. Therefore, a doctor is needed
experts in their fields to deal with these problems.
Doctors in this case are Sufi scholars who have teacher titles
tarekat. KH. Achmad Asrori al-Ishaqi is one of the teachers
tarekat whose teachings are currently developing. However, still
there are some people who think that lifestyle
closely inhibiting one's creativity, because in it
teaches to keep away from worldly affairs, which it does not
in accordance with the national education goals that sound
"Develop Creativity". Based on the description,
considered urgent for researching the education of the tarekat
led by KH. Achmad Asrori, about the purpose of national education,
and about the relevance of KH. Achmad Asrori
towards national education goals. This research aims to
describe the perspective education of KH. Achmad Asrori,
national education goals, and relevance of tarekat education
perspective of KH. Achmad Asrori towards national education goals.
The approach or method used in this study is
Library Research (library research). Because data will be extracted
from library data, namely, books by KH. Achmad Asrori,
books about educational goals, and other data
support. The results of the study indicate that the essence of Education
perspective KH. Achmad Asrori al-Ishaqi is education
morality or karkter through perfection of adab with a barometer of sufiyyah behavior that uses practical methods, namely,
practice of dhikir or wirid in the guidance of the teacher of the murshid
there is a spiritual bond through mubaya'ah to cleanse the disease
heart in order to be willing to Allah. The purpose of education
the national goal that is to be achieved is to develop the potential of the citizens
Indonesia as a whole to become a complete human being
(al-Insan al-kamil) both in terms of material zahiriyyah and sides
batiniyyah. While the relevance of the KH tarekat education. Achmad
Asrori towards the aim of national education is that education
the tarekat also formed an Indonesian citizen
complete through improvements in spiritual mental terms.
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