
  • Ahmad Syatori STAI Al FITHRAH




Murshid, Murid


In this journal contains a description of the explanation of the relationship (relationship) between someone who plays himself as a teacher spiritual guide (Murshid) with other people who act as followers (Disciples). The second role is certainly not a role in the theater or soap opera shows that we watch on television, but it is a concrete manifestation on the real stage of life. In the tradition sosial urf social-attraction there are life phenomena that are very unique and interesting to study and examine in depth. Because in this phenomenon there is a mirror of human life, which between one another has a very strong relationship and attachment between them. This relationship can be intensively interwoven both physically and mentally which is implemented directly in religious spiritual life and social life. From each of them there were those who became role models who were very adhered to and respected, namely a murshid teacher. While others become followers who are very obedient and loyal, namely a student. The closeness of the relationship between murshid and students is part of an inseparable relationship. Both are bound and related to each other. Each of them takes care and maintains each other. This kind of life portrait is a picture of past life in the time of the Prophet and his companions. Where the Prophet's figure was his capacity as a figure who became uswah (role model) for his companions whose capacity was a loyal follower of the Prophet. This paper aims to reveal the pact around the scope of life in the circle of social-spiritual life played by God's chosen servants.


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How to Cite

Syatori, A. (2018). SPIRITUAL CIRCLE IN MURSHID AND PURE RELATION SURGERY. PUTIH: Jurnal Pengetahuan Tentang Ilmu Dan Hikmah, 3(1), 59–97. https://doi.org/10.51498/putih.v3i1.20