Jurnal Pengetahuan Tentang Ilmu dan Hikmah2024-03-28T21:53:43+00:00Mochamad Abdulohm.abduloh.bahanan@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<div>PUTIH: Jurnal Pengetahuan tentang Ilmu dan Hikmah (ISSN: P-2598-7607; E-2622-223X) published by Ma'had Aly Al Fithrah Takhassus Tasawwuf wa Thoriqotuhu (Sufism and Tariqa). This journal contains Islamic Studies mainly covering nuances of Tasawuf and Tarekat. This journal is published twice a year, ie March and September.<br>The editors invite academics, lecturers and researchers to contribute scientific articles that have never been published by other journals. The script is typed 1.5 cm on A4 size paper with a writing length of between 20-30 pages, 7000-9000 words. Incoming script is evaluated by the editorial board. Editors can make changes to the posts that are loaded for uniform format, without changing their subtans.</div> <p>Editor Address:<br>JOURNAL KNOWLEDGE ABOUT SCIENCE AND HIKMAH(JKSH) The Center of Science and Philosophy Markaz Al-'Ulum wa Al-Hikmah Takhassus Tasawwuf wa Thariqatuh MA'HAD ALY AL FITHRAH SURABAYA Jl. Kedingding Lor No. 99 Tlp. 08510 300 6049 Surabaya 60129 E-mail:</p>’dadu Mawad ‘Ilm Al-Dilalah Al-Mustamidah Min Al-Ayat Al-Qur’aniyyah Fiy Manzhur Al-Madkhol Al-Istiqraiy2024-01-27T17:17:24+00:00Abdurrahman Abdurrahman Ahmad<p>This study aims to: (1) Knowing the description of Arabic semantic materials derived from the verses of the Qur'an from the point of view of the inductive approach at Dar Al-Lughah and Da'wah University (2) Knowing the effectiveness of semantic materials derived from the verses of the Qur'an from the point of view of the inductive approach to Dar Al-Lughah and Da'wah University students until they are able to do it. The approach used in this research is the Borg & Gall development approach which contains the following steps: initial study, product planning, product development, product certification, first modification, field trial, and model production. The data collection methods used are observation, interviews, questionnaires and tests.The results of the study are: (1) The education book was prepared based on the initial study and needs analysis conducted by researchers to find out the teaching problems. (2) The results of the study were: (1) The education book was prepared based on the initial study and needs analysis conducted by the researcher to find out the problems of teaching Arabic language at the university level in the course of Arabic Semantics derived from Quranic verses in the perspective of the inductive approach at Dar Al-Lughah and Dakwah Bangil University, East Java. (2) The results of the experts' approval and assessment of the validity of the educational book were stated with a very good assessment or 90%, after analysing the curriculum and determining educational topics and student requirements, as the average post-test result = 94.3750 is greater than the average pre-test result = 83.1250, this shows the use of textbooks is effective. In addition, the result of the "t" test = 3.82 is greater than the "t table = 1.75", so it is clear that the use of the educational book is effective. The Arabic semantics course presented with an inductive approach derived from Qur'anic verses among the students of Dar Al-Lughah and Da'wah University is effective</p>2024-03-28T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUTIH: Jurnal Pengetahuan Tentang Ilmu dan Hikmah Jalaluddin Rumi's Philosophy of Love through YouTube Content ‘Ngaji Filsafat’ on MJS Channel 2024-01-27T17:25:36+00:00Velida Velida Apria Ningrumvelida.apria7@gmail.comNabila Nabila Fajriyanti<p>Currently, the YouTube platform has become the primary source of information and entertainment for many people. The YouTube platform offers a variety of engaging educational content, including content related to the study of philosophy. <em>‘Ngaji Filsafat’</em> is a segment that has been around for 10 years on the MJS Channel and has consistently presented philosophy discussions in a light and engaging manner. Episode 144, which explores the philosophy of love by Jalaluddin Rumi, became the most popular episode with 1.6 million viewers. This article aims to uncover how delivering content through this platform can influence the audience's perception and understanding of Rumi's philosophy of love. This research utilizes a qualitative approach, with data collection methods involving observation and document analysis. The collected data will be analyzed descriptively and analytically using the Miles and Huberman analysis model. The study indicates that delivering the concepts of Jalaluddin Rumi’s philosophy of love through the ‘ngaji filsafat’ content can enhance and deepen the viewers insights on the MJS Channel YouTube platform<em>.</em></p>2024-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUTIH: Jurnal Pengetahuan Tentang Ilmu dan Hikmah Concept Of Human Creation According To Islamic Scholars As A Criticism Of Homo Economicus2024-01-27T17:22:55+00:00Khairul<p>Humans who were created with a lot of diversity and abilities and strengths that are more than other living things make them superior in many aspects. But unfortunately, it turns out that this diversity has resulted in the birth of a distorted perspective on world life, especially regarding wealth. Not a few people or individuals judge other humans by the parameters of the assets they have and ignore other aspects of being human. This principle is the root of the world view of Homo Economicus. This study aims to criticize and refute the ideas and perspectives of Homo Economicus on human essence through the ideas of Muslim scholars about human nature. This research is a conceptual review of the literature using a normative descriptive method. The results of the study show that the emergence of Homo Economicus is caused because they adhere to the principle that views life only based on rationality and reason, whereas according to Islam this is not sufficient to be relied upon as the basis for the absolute truth of knowledge, because humans are entities that are manifested from the combination of body and spirit. , the second is what represents reason and <em>al-nafsu</em></p>2024-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUTIH: Jurnal Pengetahuan Tentang Ilmu dan Hikmah Eskatologi Wujudi Mulla Sadra2024-01-27T17:26:27+00:00Fadel Achmad Fadelachmadfadel7@gmail.comHasyim Hasyim Cipta Bakti Muhammad Asrul<p>This research This research aims to analyze the eschatological phenomenon in Surah Al-Zalzalah based on the approach of Mulla Sadra's Philosophy of Existence. The eschatological phenomenon described in the Qur'an is an event that can be believed not only through dogmatic methods but also through rational-speculative means. The focus of the events to be discussed here is the Day of Judgment, resurrection (sudur an-nas), and recompense (jaza’). These three events go beyond sensory instruments and scientific testing, making them philosophical issues that are suitable to be understood within a rational-universal framework. Mulla Sadra offers a rational explanation based on the Transcendental Theosophy theory (al-Hikmah al-Muta’aliyyah) to understand the events of the Day of Judgment, resurrection, and recompense. The source of data is taken from Tafsir al-Qur'an al-Karim by Sadra, edited by Khajavi. This research involves a literature review using the Philosophy of Existence theory by Sadra. The results of this study indicate that each eschatological phenomenon is a form of evolution and modulation of existence. Firstly, the Day of Judgment is interpreted as the process of actualization and perfection of material, where the Earth is replaced by another Earth, and every substance undergoes a perfecting movement. Resurrection is the actualization of every potential and the forms of souls toward the original form of each creature. Recompense is the original psychological form of the soul when resurrected, producing either happiness or misery. This interpretation implies a more Sufi approach to religion, attributing every goodness or badness to the condition of the individual soul's form</p>2024-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUTIH: Jurnal Pengetahuan Tentang Ilmu dan Hikmah dan Agama2024-01-27T17:24:13+00:00Syatori Ahmad<p>Religion and philosophy are two components that direct humans in achieving life goals. It is this fundamental difference that gives rise to the tendency for symmetrical and non-reciprocal development between philosophy and religion in the field of modern "knowledge". The terms philosophy and religion have meanings that are understood by many people in different ways. Philosophy in its operation begins with reason, while religion begins with revelation. Philosophy is a particular field of science that examines how humans can think deeply about something, while religion is a special field of science that examines how humans can behave and behave well based on a teaching that is in accordance with religious guidance. Basically between philosophy and religion have very basic differences, but the difference is not a cause of separation between the two, it can actually be a meeting point in solving a problem and providing solutions and solutions to a particular problem. Philosophy and religion in different positions will certainly produce different sources of knowledge. Where philosophy can find a scientific knowledge rationally, while religion can find a religious knowledge spiritually</p>2024-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUTIH: Jurnal Pengetahuan Tentang Ilmu dan Hikmah Beragama dalam Literatur Tafsir bi Al-Ma'tsur 2024-01-27T17:21:55+00:00Fathur<p>Beliefs (religion) are closely related to an individual's spiritual experience and cannot be imposed by anyone. The issue becomes different when the position of religion shifts from being private to entering the public sphere, making the choice of religion no longer an absolute fundamental right but subject to control, often leading to "threats" as religious conversion is considered a crime. Ultimately, practicing religion is no longer based on sincerity but rather coercion. In this study, the author limits the examination to the interpretation of <em>bil ma'tsur</em> written by three figures: Ibn Jarir al-Thabari, Abu al-Fida’ Ibn Kathir, and Jalaluddin al-Suyuti. The focus of the study is the tendency of bil ma'tsur interpretation in explaining verses about religious freedom related to theological categories in the religious tradition studied through literature review using content analysis techniques. The approach used is a comparative approach, aiming to portray the interpretations given by Thabari, Ibn Kathir, and al-Suyuti on verses about religious freedom. The research results show that there are four verses that share similarities in affirming the principle of religious freedom, emphasizing that every individual has the freedom to choose and believe in their religion. These four verses are Al-Baqarah verse 256, Yunus verse 99, Al-Kahfi verse 29, and Al-Kafirun verse 6. According to the views of al-Thabari, Ibn Kathir, and al-Suyuti, these verses convey an important message about respecting religious freedom and recognizing the right of every individual to choose their own beliefs, while emphasizing the values of truth and steadfastness in faith</p>2024-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 PUTIH: Jurnal Pengetahuan Tentang Ilmu dan Hikmah